Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wall Street Journal/Manufactures Division To Justify Previous GOP Support For Health Care Mandate

emWall Street Journal/em Manufactures Division To Justify Previous GOP Support For Health Care Mandate
"In today's Wall Street Journal, columnist Holman Jenkins engaged in an impressive about-face in a piece attacking the "individual mandate" provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). After introducing the subject by claiming "Only fools and angels ... might tread forth to defend a now-embarrassing history of conservative support for the unpopular mandate," he tried to defend the history of conservative support for the individual responsibility provision by attempting to point out how it does not and never did resemble the one passed in the PPACA. His explanation is that, while the conservative model was meant to address the free-rider problem in health care, the Obama model is merely "a tax to pay for someone else's" health care costs."