Monday, July 30, 2012

ALEC: Hawking "Freedom" in Salt Lake City | Common Dreams

ALEC: Hawking "Freedom" in Salt Lake City | Common Dreams
"The average baby in America now enjoys the “freedom” to be born pre-polluted with over 200 chemicals and heavy metals in  their blood causing subtle, and sometimes not so subtle damage to virtually every organ and altering their chromosomes leading to a broad range of chronic, debilitating and even fatal diseases later in life.  Those chromosomal changes can be passed on to subsequent generations diminishing their health as well.    Attempts to reign in pollution, our exposure to pesticides, plasticizers, endocrine disruptors and the 83,000 industrial chemicals that now contaminate every corner of the earth and every living in it, are fought tooth and nail by many of the corporations meeting with legislators across the street."