Tuesday, January 26, 2016

US Marine Puts Sarah Palin In Her Place For Blaming PTSD To Excuse Son’s Violent Behavior

"Rather than acknowledge that her son broke the law and is responsible for his own actions, Palin chose to blame President Obama and PTSD instead, even though Track Palin never saw combat during his one year in Iraq. “It’s a shame that our military personnel even have to question, have to wonder if they’re respected anymore,” Palin said. Needless to say, Palin instantly pissed off veterans across the country, including former US Marine Chris Mark, who also happens to be a Republican. In an open letter posted on his blog, Mark ripped Palin to shreds for using PTSD as a political attack and for using it to excuse her son’s behavior. “I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition as a political football and, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior,” Mark said. After reminding Palin that her entire family was involved in a drunken brawl that should have served as sign that Track has a problem, he went after Palin for stigmatizing PTSD even more than it already is by th media. Calling her statements “foolish and ignorant,” Mark wrote that he would prefer Palin “avoid public life and simply fade away.” But since she refuses to go away, Mark suggested she educate herself and then use her status as a public figure to help veterans."