Saturday, January 21, 2017

Trump’s Attack on America

Trump’s Attack on America

"Trump’s rhetoric and policies attack everyone in America, save for corporations and the rich. Seriously—everyone, even Trump supporters themselves. After all, they drink water, breathe air, work on job sites that are about to become far less safe, have children who require public schooling and an environmental future. Think for a moment about what it means—to real people in real life—to reduce and privatize regulations and enforcement of safeguards for workers and the environment. It’s not about "cost savings" or "less bureaucracy"—it’s about our air, our water, our workplaces. Our wages. Our healthcare (from life-threatening emergencies to prevention). Our safety on the job. Our environment—the one we all need for our future survival, to say nothing of the planet itself. Trump supporters, other than the super-rich, will suffer like everyone else."