Friday, November 15, 2019

Taylor Testimony Nailed the Door Shut on GOP Claims of Trump’s Noninvolvement
"Standing in vivid contrast to Taylor and Kent were their Republican inquisitors, whose collective performance was a thoroughgoing disgrace to the very concept of representative government. Devin Nunes blurted out at least nine bald-faced lies during his opening statement alone, and Jim Jordan — a ballyhooed last-minute addition to the Intelligence Committee — attempted and utterly failed to achieve depth by dint of volume. Chairman Adam Schiff effectively rode herd over serial GOP attempts to throw sand in the gears of the hearing, though his eyes grew wider and wider as the day went on. Wending their way through every leaf in their well-worn tome of farfetched Breitbart balderdash, Republican after Republican threw everything they could against the wall, praying something would stick."