Thursday, May 31, 2012

Call it a Koch Brothers coincidence

Koch Brothers Are Buying Our Democracy... With $400 Million

How the Koch's make millions if Republicans crash the Gov?

White Supremacist With Ties To Neo-Nazi Groups Elected To Pennsylvania County GOP Committee

White Supremacist With Ties To Neo-Nazi Groups Elected To Pennsylvania County GOP Committee: Republicans in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania have elected Steve Smith, a lifelong white supremacist with close ties to neo-Nazi groups and groups like Aryan Nations, to the county’s GOP Committee. The elections, which took place in late April, were certified by the committee two weeks ago, and Smith notified supporters of his victory last week by [...]/p

Student Loan Debt Explodes, Climbing 275% Since 2003 | Common Dreams

Student Loan Debt Explodes, Climbing 275% Since 2003 | Common Dreams
"New data released today by the Federal Reserve shows, while general consumer debt has decreased in the first quarter of this year, student loan debt in particular continues to aggressively increase. Overall student loan debt has skyrocketed in the past 10 years, rising by 275%."

Burned Alive at Work: American Workers Dying in Totally Preventable Accidents | Investigations | AlterNet

Burned Alive at Work: American Workers Dying in Totally Preventable Accidents | Investigations | AlterNet
A push to protect workers from the danger of dust explosions has stalled in the face of bureaucratic hurdles, industry pushback and political calculations.

Oklahoma Doctor Refuses To Provide Rape Victim With Emergency Contraception

Oklahoma Doctor Refuses To Provide Rape Victim With Emergency Contraception: An Oklahoma emergency room doctor refused to provide emergency contraception to a 24-year-old female rape victim because the doctor said it went against her personal beliefs. The hospital was also unable to provide the victim with a rape kit, because they had no appropriate nurse on staff to administer the test. According to the victim’s [...]/p

Report: 'Leading' Companies Mislead Public on Climate Change Policies | Common Dreams

Report: 'Leading' Companies Mislead Public on Climate Change Policies | Common Dreams

Top 28 publicly traded companies 'get away with misrepresenting science to achieve their goals'

Get mad as hell!

Are Christian Fundamentalists Teaching Genocide in Our Schools? | Education | AlterNet

Are Christian Fundamentalists Teaching Genocide in Our Schools? | Education | AlterNet
"Thanks to Good News Clubs, evangelism in schools is already subverting the separation of church and state. Now they're justifying the murder of nonbelievers."

Republican voter suppression

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New York City kids face losing after-school programs, thanks to Michael Bloomberg

New York City kids face losing after-school programs, thanks to Michael Bloomberg
"While it's unlikely that billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg gives one shred of a damn about whether Eridania Santos gets time with her kids, you'd think he'd see the advantage to having her at work while her kids are not just kept safe but helped to succeed in school. That's not just a moral, doing the right thing, kind of advantage (though it certainly is that). It's a budget advantage to the city and state of New York. Which is also apparently something Bloomberg is not overly concerned about."

Get out your tin foil hat for the new GOP platform

The Washington Post, PBS and the Koch-Funded American Enterprise Institute Attack Community Colleges

The Washington Post, PBS and the Koch-Funded American Enterprise Institute Attack Community Colleges
"America's community colleges are in a near-death cycle after decades of budget cuts designed to weaken the public commons. Underfunded, lacking the ability to offer access or classes to students seeking an education and continuously hiking fees and tuition, public community colleges cannot handle the millions of students who wish to receive a reasonably priced education."

Republican Super PACs Plan $1 Billion Spending 'Blitz' Before November | Common Dreams

Republican Super PACs Plan $1 Billion Spending 'Blitz' Before November | Common Dreams
"Republican donors and campaign groups are planning 'not to leave anything in the locker room' in the coming months, as they plan to break all previous records for campaign spending in a bid to ram Mitt Romney into the White House and influence more control in Congress in November."

Report: 'Leading' Companies Mislead Public on Climate Change Policies | Common Dreams

Report: 'Leading' Companies Mislead Public on Climate Change Policies | Common Dreams

Top 28 publicly traded companies 'get away with misrepresenting science to achieve their goals'

Supreme Court Calendar Locks Citizens United In Place For Mitt Romney

Supreme Court Calendar Locks Citizens United In Place For Mitt Romney: The Supreme Court is presently considering whether to hear a Montana Supreme Court case holding that the Court’s election-buying decision in Citizens United does not prevent Montana from stemming the flow of corporate money into politics. Republican leaders and corporate interest groups like the Chamber of Commerce asked the justices to double down on Citizens [...]/p

Florida Republicans determined to expand voter purge

Florida Republicans determined to expand voter purge
"That's what they're doing with this purge. The state is in violation of the National Voting Rights Act, which prohibits purging voters from the rolls within 90 days of an election. Florida's primary is on August 14. Under that Act, the Department of Justice has the power to stop it."

Soaked With Oil Cash, Republicans Block Military’s Push To Use Clean Energy

Soaked With Oil Cash, Republicans Block Military’s Push To Use Clean Energy: The Pentagon wants to move toward a greener military, one that relies more on renewable energy and less on fossil fuels. Why? It would save lives. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey made that case last October and a recent Army study found that “[a] fighting force that isn’t restricted by [...]/p

Fox's Anti-Obama Attack Ad Is Nearly $100,000 In Free Advertising For GOP

Fox's Anti-Obama Attack Ad Is Nearly $100,000 In Free Advertising For GOP
"The four minute anti-Obama attack ad aired by Fox News this morning was the equivalent of $96,000 of free advertising for the Republican Party."

New Jersey Governor Is Latest To Divert Foreclosure Settlement Aid Away From Needy Homeowners

New Jersey Governor Is Latest To Divert Foreclosure Settlement Aid Away From Needy Homeowners: Several states across the country, from Vermont to Wisconsin to California, have been taking some of the money they received from the foreclosure fraud settlement signed with the nation’s biggest banks and diverting it away from its intended purpose of providing relief to desperate homeowners. According to ProPublica, the total amount of money taken from [...]/p

Fox & Friends Produces 4 Minute Anti-Obama Attack Ad, Then Removes It From Its Website

Fox & Friends Produces 4 Minute Anti-Obama Attack Ad, Then Removes It From Its Website: Critics of the Fox News morning program Fox & Friends have often charged the show’s three hosts with essentially providing free airtime to GOP candidates, lawmakers and surrogates with little to no representation from their Democratic counterparts. But Wednesday morning’s foray marks a new low in the network’s willingness to do the Republican Party’s heavy [...]/p

Voter suppression in Florida could swing presidential election

Romney Economic Adviser Says Romney Plans To Undermine Consumer Protections In Wall Street Reform Law

Romney Economic Adviser Says Romney Plans To Undermine Consumer Protections In Wall Street Reform Law: Mitt Romney, who last night secured the Republican presidential nomination with his win in Texas’ primary, has already made clear his desire to repeal the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, enacted in response to the financial crisis of 2008. But according to Glenn Hubbard, one of Romney’s economic advisers, even if Romney can’t get rid of [...]/p

GOP Opposes Expanding Small Business Tax Credits That They Supported In 2009

GOP Opposes Expanding Small Business Tax Credits That They Supported In 2009: Obamacare includes a small business tax credit to help employers provide health insurance coverage. The issue, however, is that only 170,300 businesses out of a possible 4 million have applied for the credit because of the time-consuming application procedure. Now, the Obama administration is asking Congress to improve the process so that more small businesses [...]/p

Florida governor pushes voter purge ahead of 2012 election

Romney rakes in cash with birther Donald Trump

Global CO2 Emissions Hit New Record in 2011, Keeping World on Track for 'Devastating' 11°F Warming | Environment | AlterNet

Global CO2 Emissions Hit New Record in 2011, Keeping World on Track for 'Devastating' 11°F Warming | Environment | AlterNet
"The scientific literature now makes clear that even 7°F warming would destroy the livable climate 7 billion people have come to depend upon."

5 Reasons the 'Geezer Empire' of Billionaire Republicans Are Showering Romney With Cash | | AlterNet

5 Reasons the 'Geezer Empire' of Billionaire Republicans Are Showering Romney With Cash | | AlterNet
"What would the world be like if the Republican Party’s most influential billionaire backers got their way—if “the geezer empire struck back,” asNew York magazine writer Frank Rich put it in a recent piece about this posse of unbelievably wealthy white men who have written million-dollar checks to GOP super PACs and non-profits in 2012.
Beyond the usual GOP jeremiads—cutting taxes and government spending, shredding safety nets, eviscerating federal regulation and privatizing whatever remains—many of the GOP’s biggest moneymen have specific issues and goals, often business-related, and would expect a Romney presidency to advance those agendas."

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Meet Bill: The 91-Year-Old Decorated WWII Veteran Targeted By Florida Governor Rick Scott’s Voter Purge

Meet Bill: The 91-Year-Old Decorated WWII Veteran Targeted By Florida Governor Rick Scott’s Voter Purge: Bill Internicola is a 91-year-old, Brooklyn-born, World War II veteran. He fought in the Battle of the Buldge and received the Bronze Star for bravery. He’s voted in Florida for 14 years and never had a problem. Three weeks ago, Bill received a letter from Broward County Florida stating “[Y]ou are not a U.S. Citizen” [...]/p

CHARTS: How The Debt Ceiling Debacle Hurt The Economy

CHARTS: How The Debt Ceiling Debacle Hurt The Economy: House Republicans last year used the imminent approach of the nation’s credit limit to force Congress into enacting a series of spending cuts. The hostage scenario led to the nation’s first ever credit downgrade, with the credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s repeatedly citing the GOP’s intransigence on revenue as a key justification. Speaker of [...]/p

Report: US Has One Of The Highest Child Poverty Rates In The Developed World

Report: US Has One Of The Highest Child Poverty Rates In The Developed World: According to a new report from the Office of Research at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the U.S. has one of the highest rates of child poverty in the developed world. Of the 35 wealthy countries studied by UNICEF, only Romania has a child poverty rate higher than the 23 percent rate in the [...]/p

Romney Campaigns Against Green Jobs While Solar Industry Is ‘Flourishing’ In His Home State

Romney Campaigns Against Green Jobs While Solar Industry Is ‘Flourishing’ In His Home State: The Romney campaign released yet another ad today on Solyndra and the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program. Romney’s ad repeats the same half-truths and lies about stimulus funding that factcheckers have repeatedly debunked. During the campaign, Romney has routinely dismissed the nation’s 3.1 million clean energy jobs while intensifying his attacks on the industry. [...]/p

How the "Job Creators" REALLY Spend Their Money | Common Dreams

How the "Job Creators" REALLY Spend Their Money | Common Dreams
"How do corporations spend their money? To a good extent, they don't. According to Moody's, cash holdings for U.S. non-financial firms rose 3 percent to $1.24 trillion in 2011. The corporate cash-to-assets ratio nearly tripled between 1980 and 2010. It has been estimated that the corporate stash of cash reserves held in America could employ 3.5 million more people for five years at an annual salary of $40,000."

Monday, May 28, 2012

How Florida Governor Rick Scott Could Steal The Election For Mitt Romney

How Florida Governor Rick Scott Could Steal The Election For Mitt Romney: On Wednesday, November 7, Mitt Romney could wake up as the President-elect thanks to one man: Florida Governor Rick Scott. With little fanfare, Scott is undertaking an audacious plan to kick thousands of Floridians off the ballot just before this year’s elections. It’s a sloppy, chaotic and possibly illegal plan. But it just might work. [...]/p

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Last (Chemical) Gasp for Bees? | Common Dreams

A Last (Chemical) Gasp for Bees? | Common Dreams
Colony collapse disorder threatens food crops valued at $15 billion a year. New research says farm chemicals put our food system at risk.

EXCLUSIVE: Florida Telling Hundreds Of Eligible Citizens That They Are Ineligible To Vote

EXCLUSIVE: Florida Telling Hundreds Of Eligible Citizens That They Are Ineligible To Vote: Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) has ordered the state to purge all “non-citizens” from the voting rolls prior to November’s election. But that list compiled by the Scott administration is so riddled with errors that, in Miami-Dade County alone, hundreds of U.S. citizens are being told they are ineligible to vote, ThinkProgress has learned exlusively. [...]/p

Friday, May 25, 2012

Myths & Facts About Wind Power

Myths & Facts About Wind Power
"contrary to the myths propagated by the conservative media, wind power is safe, increasingly affordable, and has the potential to significantly reduce pollution and U.S. reliance on fossil fuels."

Church Excommunicates Doctor And Mother Of 9-Year-Old Rape Victim — But Not The Man Who Raped Her

Church Excommunicates Doctor And Mother Of 9-Year-Old Rape Victim — But Not The Man Who Raped Her: No matter one’s stance on contraception and abortion, most people feel sympathetic for a 9-year-old rape victim who is impregnated with twins by her step father, and is forced to undergo an abortion to save her life. The Catholic Church, however, excommunicated those who helped rescue her. In 2009, a 9 year old in Brazil [...]/p

How To Understand The Debate Over Obama’s Non-Existent Spending Spree

How To Understand The Debate Over Obama’s Non-Existent Spending Spree: Michael Linden, Director of Tax and Budget Policy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. Over the past two weeks, a couple of charts — one from yours truly and one from Rex Nutting at MarketWatch — have really riled up conservatives and confused a fair number of DC establishment [...]/p

Birther Congressman Admits That He Only Walked Back His Comments ‘For Political Reasons’

Birther Congressman Admits That He Only Walked Back His Comments ‘For Political Reasons’: A Colorado congressman who was forced to apologize after he was caught on tape saying President Obama is “not an American” is now claiming that the apology was largely made “for political reasons.” Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) appeared on the Caplis and Silverman radio show in Denver to discuss the birther flap. The hosts told [...]/p

Why It Should Terrify Us That Romney Was Head Of Bain Capital

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Appalachian Women Lead Dramatic Protest Against Mountaintop Removal: Interview With Marilyn Mullens | AlterNet

Appalachian Women Lead Dramatic Protest Against Mountaintop Removal: Interview With Marilyn Mullens | AlterNet
"After serving her country as a major in the U.S. Army for 22 years, tending to injured soldiers as a case manager in other parts of the country, registered nurse Marilyn Mullens is now leading a group of her fellow Appalachian women to the West Virginia state capitol on Memorial Day to protest the growing humanitarian crisis of mountaintop removal mining."

Will the GOP identity crisis bring us back to Bush?

The Birther Party

Senate Democrats: Time for equal pay. Republicans: Nuh-uh.

Senate Democrats: Time for equal pay. Republicans: Nuh-uh.
"You would think that closing the wage gap and strengthening equal pay laws would not be controversial. The Equal Pay Act is nearly a half-century old now, and although it went a long way toward closing the pay gap, it didn't do enough. The Paycheck Fairness Act would close some of the loopholes in that act and strengthen and enforce existing laws to finally end wage discrimination. Seems fair, right? Seems uncontroversial, right? Wrong. Because of course the Republicans don't think the wage gap is a real issue."

Senate Republicans Filibuster Student Loan Bill Again

Senate Republicans Filibuster Student Loan Bill Again: Senate Republicans filibustered a bill to extend the current interest rate on federal student loans, blocking an extension from moving forward by a vote of 51-43 (with 60 votes needed to advance the bill). They blocked a similar effort earlier this month. Without an extension, interest rates will double in July from 3.4 percent to [...]/p

Trump Embraces Birtherism, Romney Embraces Trump

Trump Embraces Birtherism, Romney Embraces Trump: In recent days, Donald Trump has intensified his efforts to advance discredited birther conspiracy theories against President Barack Obama. But that hasn’t stopped presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney from making Trump a major focus of his campaign. Today, Romney announced a major campaign event with Trump next week, at the reality TV star’s International [...]/p

EXCLUSIVE: Florida Congressman Demands Gov. Rick Scott ‘Immediately Suspend’ Voter Purge

EXCLUSIVE: Florida Congressman Demands Gov. Rick Scott ‘Immediately Suspend’ Voter Purge: Florida Congressman Ted Deutch (D) told ThinkProgress today that Gov. Rick Scott was engaging in a “blatant attempt to supress voter turnout.” Scott is currently involved in a massive effort to purge up to 180,000 from the voting rolls. The list, purportedly of non-citizens, has proven unreliable. Earlier this week, Seminole County Supervisor of Elections [...]/p

“How Banks Bought the Tea Party.”

Republican 'ladies auxiliary' outreach ignores importance of policy

Top 10 Obamacare Benefits At Stake For Women

Top 10 Obamacare Benefits At Stake For Women: The Supreme Court is currently reviewing the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as “Obamacare.” This landmark piece of legislation signed into law by President Barack Obama drastically reforms the way health [...]/p

Voter suppression is ‘treasonous’ Becomes The Eighteenth Group To Drop ALEC Becomes The Eighteenth Group To Drop ALEC: According to an email ThinkProgress received from the Center for Media and Democracy, one of the leaders of a progressive campaign to push corporations and other funders to break with the American Legislative Exchange Council, online retail giant just announced that it will part ways with ALEC. In the wake of this campaign, ALEC [...]/p

Chicago Cops are the Terrorists » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Chicago Cops are the Terrorists » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"It seems pretty clear by now that the three young “domestic terrorists” arrested by Chicago police in a warrantless house invasion reminiscent of what US military forces are doing on a daily basis in Afghanistan, are the victims of planted evidence — part of the police-state-style crackdown on anti-NATO protesters in Chicago last week."

Kucinich: US 'Sanction Warfare' Makes Real Iran War Inevitable    : Information Clearing House

Kucinich: US 'Sanction Warfare' Makes Real Iran War Inevitable    : Information Clearing House
"War mentality has saturated Washington and arms merchants want to benefit"

This Is What Tyranny Looks Like    : Information Clearing House

This Is What Tyranny Looks Like    : Information Clearing House
"While it hasn't yet taken over a major party, the Occupy movement has successfully exposed the oppressive,fascist police state that has reared its ugly head in the past year."

Wall Street to Obama Campaign: 'You Hurt Our Feelings!' | AlterNet

Wall Street to Obama Campaign: 'You Hurt Our Feelings!' | AlterNet
"It seems that the Obama campaign's offensive against Mitt Romney's legacy at Bain Capital is ruffling a few feathers among the 1 percent."

Mitt Romney and his bold pledge for a higher unemployment rate

Mitt Romney and his bold pledge for a higher unemployment rate
"Those facts alone are enough to demonstrate the absurdity of Romney's claim, but it's also worth pointing out that under his policies, things would actually get worse. The core of Romney's economic plan is a dramatic $10 trillion tax cut for the wealthy coupled with enormous spending cuts and widespread regulatory rollbacks. Basically, he's proposing to double-down on Bush's trickle-down philosophy"

Recall battle closer than ever in Wisconsin

Documents Show That Scott Walker Lied to Congress

Documents Show That Scott Walker Lied to Congress
"Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker testified before Congress that he started drafting the notorious Act 10 that stripped collective bargaining rights from most state employees in December, after Democrats in the state legislature attempted to pass pro-union contracts in a lame duck session after he won the election. But documents obtained by WTDY News in Wisconsin show that the Act was actually being worked on in November, just weeks after Walker was elected. Walker tried to tell Congress that he was just reacting to aggressive moves by Democrats, when, in reality, he planned to go after the rights of working families, it seems, from the very beginning."

How Obamacare Has Saved Seniors Billions On Prescription Drugs

How Obamacare Has Saved Seniors Billions On Prescription Drugs: New data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) about the Affordable Care Act shows that the health law already is helping people under Medicare with their prescription drug purchases. And millions of Medicare participants are taking advantage of preventive services available at no cost to them because of Obamacare. Here are three [...]/p

PERRspectives: Guilty as Charged: How the GOP Killed Washington

PERRspectives: Guilty as Charged: How the GOP Killed Washington
"when it came to their scorched-earth campaign of obstructionism to destroy the Obama presidency, GOP leaders weren't shy about their plans. While 15 top Republicans schemed in private on the night of Obama's inauguration to "challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign," conservative mouthpieces like Bill Kristol and Rush Limbaughpromised gridlock at every turn."

Dick Cheney poised to influence another presidency

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Romney Tells Latinos Education Is ‘Civil Rights Issue Of Our Era,’ Promises Donors Massive Education Cuts

Romney Tells Latinos Education Is ‘Civil Rights Issue Of Our Era,’ Promises Donors Massive Education Cuts: In a speech today to The Latino Coalition, a pro-business group led by President George W. Bush’s Small Business Administrator, Mitt Romney said the nation’s public education is in “crisis.” But while he publicly claimed that improving education for minority children is the “civil-rights issue of our era,” his recent closed-door remarks to donors suggest [...]/p

10 Dumbest Members of Congress | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

10 Dumbest Members of Congress | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
" “Congress now speaks at almost a full grade level lower than it did just seven years ago, with the most conservative members of Congress speaking on average at the lowest grade level.” The study further found that it is the “most extreme members” who speak at the lowest grade levels, as well as the most junior."

UN Chief: Ocean's Biodiversity Must Be Protected | Common Dreams

UN Chief: Ocean's Biodiversity Must Be Protected | Common Dreams
"Speaking on the International World Biodiversity Day, UN chief Ban Ki-Moon on Tuesday warned that over-consumption and rampant pollution was threatening the world's ocean and marine biodiverity. "Despite its importance, marine biodiversity has not fared well at human hands," he said in a prepared statement."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

GOP Senator Worries JP Morgan’s Losses Will Lead To Efforts To Strengthen Financial Regulations

GOP Senator Worries JP Morgan’s Losses Will Lead To Efforts To Strengthen Financial Regulations: When JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon dropped a bomb on the financial world two weeks ago by announcing that the bank had lost at least $2 billion on a series of trades that went bad on a London-based investment desk, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker (R) was among the first lawmakers to call for investigations [...]/p

Nebraska Governor: Let’s Vote On Whether LGBT People Should Be Protected From Discrimination

Nebraska Governor: Let’s Vote On Whether LGBT People Should Be Protected From Discrimination: After Omaha passed an LGBT nondiscrimination ordinance in March, Nebraska attorney general Jon Bruning (R) issued an opinion that such policies were unconstitutional. Since then, Lincoln passed its own protections anyway. Now, Gov. Dave Heineman (R) believes both policies should be put “to the vote of the people.” In other words, Heineman believes that the majority [...]/p

Updated: Scott Walker and Cronies Prove No Low is Too Low

Updated: Scott Walker and Cronies Prove No Low is Too Low
"These cowards hide behind taxpayer-subsidized nonprofits to intimidate public servants who are under attack at every turn. Between the stealth privatization movement in the form of charter schools, the ridiculous, nonsensical high-stakes testing, and the public humiliation of great teachers, there is almost no incentive beyond some heightened sense of altruism to even bother to enter the teaching profession."

After Slashing Funds For Health And Education, Ohio Prepares To Cut Taxes For Banks

After Slashing Funds For Health And Education, Ohio Prepares To Cut Taxes For Banks: During the Great Recession, Ohio has cut its budget to ribbons, reducing funds for health services, higher education, and K-12 education. The budget cuts are so severe that some towns might officially cease to exist (due to disincorporation). However, it seems that Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) and the Republican legislature feel that the state has [...]/p

‘Young Black Thugs’ Need To Be ‘Put Down Like The Dogs They Are,’ Says Louisiana School Psychologist

‘Young Black Thugs’ Need To Be ‘Put Down Like The Dogs They Are,’ Says Louisiana School Psychologist: Mark Traina, a school psychologist in Louisiana, has been using his twitter account to spew racially-charged accusations about “young black thugs,” and now the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is highlighting his comments in a civil rights complaint against the Jefferson Parish School Board. The complaint alleges that black students and disabled students are sent [...]/p

Members Of New GOP Women’s Caucus Voted Against Equality For Women

Members Of New GOP Women’s Caucus Voted Against Equality For Women: The 24 Republican Congresswomen in the U.S. House announced yesterday that they have joined to form the Women’s Policy Committee, a caucus aimed at “raising the profile of GOP women in their roles as lawmakers, highlighting their diverse achievements and providing a unique, unified voice on a wide range of critically important issues.” But a [...]/p

Mitt Romney's budget would gut Medicare, Medicaid and assistance programs

Mitt Romney's budget would gut Medicare, Medicaid and assistance programs
"That's a budget proposal so severely conservative, it's more drastic that the Paul Ryan budget. Ryan's proposing just a measly $5 trillion in cuts over the next decade; Romney would require between $7 and 10 trillion, making Ryan look like a piker. It's also even more unsustainable for the nation than Ryan's plan. There would be essentially nothing left standing but the Pentagon, looking out for the next war. Meanwhile, the casualites of past ones—disabled vets—would be shit out of luck. No wonder Romney won't put this all down on paper."

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Admits Using Taxpayer Funds To Pursue Birther Conspiracy Probe: ‘So What?’

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Admits Using Taxpayer Funds To Pursue Birther Conspiracy Probe: ‘So What?’: In the year since President Obama released his long-form birth certificate, tax payers are partly-funding Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation into whether or not the president was truly born in the United States. The Arizona Republic and the Honolulu Star-Advertiser report that two men identifying themselves as Michael Zullo and Brian Mackiewcz arrived at the [...]/p

The Occupy Movement and the Politics of Educated Hope

The Occupy Movement and the Politics of Educated Hope
"American society has lost its claim on democracy. One indication of such a loss is that the crises produced on a daily basis by crony capitalism operate within a discourse of denial."

There Is a Way! Beyond the Big, Bad Corporation | Economy | AlterNet

There Is a Way! Beyond the Big, Bad Corporation | Economy | AlterNet
"To many, Massey is not simply one bad apple, but part of an economic system heavy with rotten fruit. Companies like Lehman Brothers, Bank of America, Countrywide, BP, and Walmart epitomize the relentless drive of corporations to maximize profit above everything else, including safety, fair working conditions, clean air and water, healthy communities, and common decency. In doing so, the very word "corporation" has become a dirty word.
Forget bad apples, perhaps we should just raze the entire orchard, right?"

PERRspectives: Myth McConnell

PERRspectives: Myth McConnell
"For months, Mitch McConnell (for example, here, here and here) regurgitated the GOP talking point that President Obama "made the economy worse." Sadly for the trickle-down mythmakers of the Republican Party, the facts and the overwhelming consensus of economists - including John McCain's 2008 brain trust - prove otherwise. President Obama not only did not make the American economy worse; no thanks to obstructionist Republicans in Congress he saved the United States from "Great Depression 2.0" and put the nation on the path to recovery."

Today's GOP: Worst Political Party Since the Civil War | | AlterNet

Today's GOP: Worst Political Party Since the Civil War | | AlterNet
 “Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.” Their thesis was that they had never, in 40 years of observing Congress, seen the institution behave in such a dysfunctional manner. They wrote that while they had long found reasons to be critical of both Democrats and Republicans, things have changed and our current crisis is solely the fault of a Republican Party that "has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition."

Monday, May 21, 2012

Romney Economics: Job Loss and Bankruptcy at Ampad

Embattled Scott Walker defends voter suppression, badly

Embattled Scott Walker defends voter suppression, badly
"Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is an old hand at playing the victim"

Republicans intentionally sabotaging the economy? Why does this keep getting a question mark?

Republicans intentionally sabotaging the economy? Why does this keep getting a question mark?
"harles Babington asks that question in the first paragraph of his he said/she said pieceSaturday on whether Republicans are out to sabotage the economy in hopes of hurting Obama. The question keeps being asked against the clear evidence that this is precisely what's going on and against polling evidence that half the country, including a lot of Republicans, believe the GOP is doing just that."

Conservatives Are Hitting Rock Bottom | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Conservatives Are Hitting Rock Bottom | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
"Today, American conservatism has degenerated into an intellectually and morally bankrupt ideology. It offers nothing more than bumper-sticker slogans that pander to the prejudices and ignorance of the lowest common denominator in order to enrich and empower an oligarchic elite. Angry, cruel and sneering, it is exemplified by the carnival barkers on talk radio and Fox News. High in volume, but devoid of substance, it has no long-term future because it lacks credible solutions to the range of very real problems American society is facing."

Who Owns Your Congressperson? :  Who Owns Your Congressperson? : Information Clearing House

Who Owns Your Congressperson? :  Who Owns Your Congressperson? : Information Clearing House
"This is the internal AIPAC memo shown on 60 Minutes in which the money to different candidates was mentioned with figures. It must have been just one day’s assignment because the numbers are small."

Bain and Financial Industry Gave Over $565,000 To Newark Mayor Cory Booker For 2002 Campaign

Bain and Financial Industry Gave Over $565,000 To Newark Mayor Cory Booker For 2002 Campaign: Yesterday, Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker (D) attacked the Obama campaign for making an issue of Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital during an appearance on Meet the Press. While the progressive leader later backed off the criticisms, Republicans have been quick to highlight his comments as an attack against the idea that scrutiny [...]/p

Paul Ryan’s Plan To ‘Prevent European-Style Austerity’ Adds To Debt, Throws 4.1 Million Out Of Work

Paul Ryan’s Plan To ‘Prevent European-Style Austerity’ Adds To Debt, Throws 4.1 Million Out Of Work: Republican efforts to cut the debt and put people back to work would help the United States economy avoid “European-style austerity,” House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) said on NBC’s Meet The Press yesterday. The House GOP budget seemingly embraces that model, calling for massive reductions in spending like those that have led to [...]/p

Evidence Continues to Mount for Ticking 'Methane Time Bomb' | Common Dreams

Evidence Continues to Mount for Ticking 'Methane Time Bomb' | Common Dreams
"New research that utilized both ground-based measurements and aerial surveys in specific sub-arctic regions in Alaska and Greenland has discovered approximately 150,000 'methane seeps' - a phenomenon where methane gas previously held in the frozen permafrost beneath tundras or under arctic sea ice, is steadily released when warming causes melting."

Thousands March With Veterans for Peace at Chicago NATO Summit; Police Respond With Brute Force

Thousands March With Veterans for Peace at Chicago NATO Summit; Police Respond With Brute Force
"Thousands of protesters marched beside Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans Sunday to accompany the vets as they marched, hoping to return their service medals to NATO's generals."

FBI to Investigate Ohio Gov. John Kasich for Alleged Bribery.

FBI to Investigate Ohio Gov. John Kasich for Alleged Bribery.
"Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for allegations that he accepted bribes and used political appointments to reward or punish those that helped or hurt his allies. Kasich has never been thought of as particularly ethical, but these allegations are beyond what we've seen in the past:"

HOW BANKS BOUGHT THE TEA PARTY: Cash Transforms Populist Insurgents To Reliable Vote For Financial Industry

HOW BANKS BOUGHT THE TEA PARTY: Cash Transforms Populist Insurgents To Reliable Vote For Financial Industry: The 15 freshmen Republican representatives in the House Tea Party Caucus each ran in 2010 on a populist anti-Wall Street message, highlighting their opposition to bank bailouts like the 2008 Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and criticizing Washington for enabling the banking sector as it became “Too Big to Fail.” After winning, all fifteen received [...]/p

Chamber To Spend Over $50 Million On 2012 Elections

Chamber To Spend Over $50 Million On 2012 Elections: According to USA Today reporter Susan Page, U.S. Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donahue announced this morning that his corporate lobbying group would spend even more than the $50 million previously reported to try to change the result of the 2012 election. The Chamber was one of the biggest exploiters of Citizens United during the [...]/p

Republicans The Losers In War On Terror

Rising Care Costs Increased Health Spending As Americans Used Fewer Services

Rising Care Costs Increased Health Spending As Americans Used Fewer Services: As Americans used less medical services overall, health care spending rose at double the rate of inflation in 2010 because hospitals, outpatient centers, and other providers charged higher prices, according to a report by the Health Care Cost Institute. Health costs jumped by 3.3 percent during the economic downturn even though people were using less [...]/p

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Recovery continues, led by strong manufacturing growth | Economic Policy Institute

Recovery continues, led by strong manufacturing growth | Economic Policy Institute
"Today’s Bureau of Labor Statistics release of state-level data shows slow but steady progress towards economic recovery in most states, though eight states, including every New England state except Massachusetts, experienced job loss in the preceding three-month period (January 2012 to April 2012)."

Private-sector jobs grew far more under Democratic than Republican presidents, 1961-2012

Private-sector jobs grew far more under Democratic than Republican presidents, 1961-2012
"chart showing that between 1961 and 2012, the United States added 42 million private-sector jobs under Democratic presidents and 23.9 million private-sector jobs under Republican presidents, despite Republicans holding the presidency for 28 years during that period compared with 23 years for Democrats"

Why is the FBI Manufacturing Reasons to Arrest Occupy Protesters While Ignoring White Supremacist Violence? | | AlterNet

Why is the FBI Manufacturing Reasons to Arrest Occupy Protesters While Ignoring White Supremacist Violence? | | AlterNet
A recent Rolling Stone article raises troubling questions about FBI entrapment schemes and their targets

Friday, May 18, 2012

House GOP Leaders Block Amendment Solidifying Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline

House GOP Leaders Block Amendment Solidifying Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline
"There you have it. The reason that the amendment couldn't be allowed to come to a vote was because it could pass. "If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it," an old anarchist saying goes. But this is certainly not the democracy they told us about when we were little. When Schoolhouse Rock sang, "I'm just a bill, sitting on Capitol Hill," do you remember anything about a measure with majority support being throttled by the House leadership? I don't."

Medical Students Embrace Medicare for All | Common Dreams

Medical Students Embrace Medicare for All | Common Dreams
'f you ever want to rekindle your hope for American medicine, spend time with medical students. These bright, energetic minds are going into medicine for all the right reasons — to help people, relieve suffering and find new ways to cure illness and eradicate disease."

Is nuclear catastrophe imminent at San Onofre, CA?

Massachusetts Senate Passes Bill To Reduce Health Spending By $150 Billion

Massachusetts Senate Passes Bill To Reduce Health Spending By $150 Billion: One major goal of the Affordable Care Act is to slow the growth in health care spending without compromising on the quality of care. So far, it seems to have done that, bringing projected Medicare costs down by nearly $70 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Now, spurred on by Gov. Deval Patrick (D-MA), [...]/p

House passes $642 billion defense bill under veto threat

House passes $642 billion defense bill under veto threat
"The bill breaks the spending agreement made last year as part of the Budget Control Act, and spends much more than thePentagon has asked for on programs it opposes."

Arizona’s Top Election Official Goes Birther, Threatens To Keep Obama Off The Ballot

Arizona’s Top Election Official Goes Birther, Threatens To Keep Obama Off The Ballot: Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett — the state’s top election official — made an appearance on a local radio show in yesterday in which he threatened to keep President Obama’s name off of the state’s November ballot unless he receives confirmation from the state of Hawaii that they have an official birth certificate on [...]/p

"Have you heard these stories in the Corporate News Media ?"

Venture capitalist, Nick Hanauer, on the negative impacts of income inequality on the economy

10 Cool Discoveries You Should Know About | World | AlterNet

10 Cool Discoveries You Should Know About | World | AlterNet
"From asteroid mining to HIV prevention, here are 10 things you should know about from the week."

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Karl Rove weighs in on Walker recall

GOP Financial Services Committee Chairman Defends JP Morgan, Derides Regulation

GOP Financial Services Committee Chairman Defends JP Morgan, Derides Regulation: House Republicans, in the wake of JP Morgan’s now $3 billion trading mess, have temporarily backed off their zeal to repeal the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. However, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus (R-AL) — who believes Washington’s role is to “serve the banks” — has JP Morgan’s back, excusing its actions and attacking [...]/p

Can Romney win only by lying?

Bush endorses candidate who is 'Bush on steroids'

Are JPMorgan's Losses A Canary in a Coal Mine? | Common Dreams

Are JPMorgan's Losses A Canary in a Coal Mine? | Common Dreams
"That sound of shattered glass you’ve been hearing is the iconic portrait of Jamie Dimon splintering as it hits the floor of JPMorgan Chase. As the Good Book says, “Pride goeth before a fall,” and the sleek silver-haired, too-smart-for-his-own-good CEO of America’s largest bank has been turning every television show within reach into a confessional booth. Barack Obama’s favorite banker faces losses of $2 billion and possibly more – all because of the complex, now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t trading in exotic financial instruments that he has so ardently lobbied Congress not to regulate."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Report: Texas Executed The Wrong Man Because He Looked Like The Real Murderer

Report: Texas Executed The Wrong Man Because He Looked Like The Real Murderer: Last year, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) admitted that he “never struggled . . . at all” with whether someone his state executed might have been innocent. Yet a new book written by Columbia Law Professor James Liebman shows that Carlos DeLuna, executed by Texas in 1989, was innocent. According to Liebman, DeLuna was wrongfully [...]/p

Top Scott Walker Donor’s Business Paid Nothing In State Income Taxes From 2005 To 2008

Top Scott Walker Donor’s Business Paid Nothing In State Income Taxes From 2005 To 2008: The donor doing the most to finance Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) campaign against a recall hasn’t put the same effort into financing Wisconsin’s state government, according to income tax data obtained by a non-profit organization based in the state. Diane Hendricks is a billionaire who donated $500,000 — the largest donation ever made in [...]/p

Cost of War to the United States | COSTOFWAR.COM

Cost of War to the United States | COSTOFWAR.COM

Chris Hedges - Why OWS Frightens the Corporate Elite

Uncovering the Other ALECs

Uncovering the Other ALECs
"If Washington DC is the newVersailles, run by corporate overlords and their lobbyist-hired guns, then the 50 statehouses are its paternal twins. That is, while they look different in form, they share the same genetic function as avenues for the fulfillment of the corporate agenda."

Surprise Senate Candidate Deb Fischer: Destroy The Constitution Or I’ll Destroy The Economy

Surprise Senate Candidate Deb Fischer: Destroy The Constitution Or I’ll Destroy The Economy: Yesterday, Nebraska GOP primary voters nominated dark horse candidate and state Sen. Deb Fischer as their candidate for an open U.S. Senate race this November. In choosing Fischer the Nebraska GOP aligns itself with a candidate who recently called for a very high stakes game of chicken — flirting with economic catastrophe in order to [...]/p

Pharmacists In Kansas Can Now Deny Women Access To Birth Control

Pharmacists In Kansas Can Now Deny Women Access To Birth Control: Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) signed a bill yesterday that will allow pharmacists in the state to refuse to fill a prescription they think could be used to induce abortion. But since the “conscience” measure says they cannot be required to provide a drug or devise that they think “may result in the termination of [...]/p

Wells Fargo Has Blood on Its Hands: Desperate Man Commits Suicide After Shocking Foreclosure Mistreatment | News & Politics | AlterNet

Wells Fargo Has Blood on Its Hands: Desperate Man Commits Suicide After Shocking Foreclosure Mistreatment | News & Politics | AlterNet
"This is the story of what happens when an average couple is up against a giant, wealthy, powerful bank."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

CHART: Spending, Taxes, And Deficits Are All Lower Today Than When Obama Took Office

CHART: Spending, Taxes, And Deficits Are All Lower Today Than When Obama Took Office:  Federal spending is lower now than it was when President Obama took office. I’ll pause to let you absorb the news. In January 2009, before President Obama had even taken the oath of office, annual [...]/p

RNC Chair Calls for Less Regulation of Wall Street After $2 Billion JPMorgan Loss

RNC Chair Calls for Less Regulation of Wall Street After $2 Billion JPMorgan Loss
"As Steve pointed out, this is Mitt Romney's position as well and they're counting on the public hating regulation as much or more than they hate Wall Street. That's the talking point they've been hammering home regardless of how reckless Wall Street and the bankers have been in the aftermath of the crash and ever since President Obama took office, so I don't expect them to change now. Forget about the fact that Wall Street took our economy down, regulations are terrible."

Nurses Push Tax on Trades to Help Sick | Common Dreams

Nurses Push Tax on Trades to Help Sick | Common Dreams
"Of all the street actions leading up to the NATO summit, the one that might seem most perplexing is a nurses’ rally for a tax on securities trades. Financial markets are pretty remote from hospital bedsides, you might think."

Seattle Cops Ask SCOTUS To Hear Appeal On 9th Circuit TASER Ruling

Seattle Cops Ask SCOTUS To Hear Appeal On 9th Circuit TASER Ruling
"Only citizens can stop this kind of thing, because the elected officials who control our police departments will only respond to our united voices. As a citizen, you have a right to know: What are the policies and accepted procedures for the use of TASERs? How often are officers trained—and re-trained? How frequently are the guns tested and calibrated? How much have related lawsuits cost your municipality? How many claims were settled by the town's insurance carrier? (These should all be public record.)"

Virginia House Rejects Judge Because He Is Gay

Virginia House Rejects Judge Because He Is Gay: Tracy Thorne-Begland served his country for 20 years in the Navy. After his discharge, he then rose to become one of the top prosecutors in the city of Richmond, Virginia. He was sponsored for a low-level trial judgeship by a bipartisan mix of state lawmakers, and seemed a shoo-in for the job. And then this [...]/p

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Dimon To Resign From NY Fed Board

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Dimon To Resign From NY Fed Board
"It's unlikely that any of Wall Street's criminals will ever go to jail, but maybe if we kick up enough of a fuss, we can get Jamie Dimon kicked off the board of the NY Fed."

Deficit Reduction: The Great Distraction | Common Dreams

Deficit Reduction: The Great Distraction | Common Dreams
"when we hear Erskine Bowles and his friends rant about the deficit this week, we should remember that once again they are distracting the public from the country's real problems. And this crew is at the center of those problems; it is not the solution."

The DOJ vs. Sheriff Joe's Racist Abuse

Congress or big oil: Who’s really controlling US foreign policy?

Republicans attack health care reform

Elizabeth Warren on risk and regulation

Where that whole 'war on women' idea came from

Report: 'Over-Consumption' Threatening Earth | Common Dreams

Report: 'Over-Consumption' Threatening Earth | Common Dreams
"Humans are using 50 percent more resources than the Earth can provide, and unless fundamental changes are made in the way we produce energy, food, and if we cannot curb our consumption of other natural resources that number will continue to skyrocket, according to a new report. Released today by the the World Wildlife Fund, The Living Planet Report, warns that if humans cannot shift their behavior by 2030, even two planets will not be enough to support modern society."

Let's Put Jamie Dimon on Trial And Ask Him What the Hell JP Morgan Does for America | Economy | AlterNet

Let's Put Jamie Dimon on Trial And Ask Him What the Hell JP Morgan Does for America | Economy | AlterNet
"Let’s put JPMorgan Chase chairman, president and CEO James “Jamie” Dimon on trial. Mr. Dimon has a reputation for being the sagest guy on Wall Street and an expert at managing risk. JPMorgan emerged from the financial crisis not just unscathed but secure enough to step in and rescue Bear Stearns when the government asked it to. (He gets very mad when you say that his bank got bailed out by the government, and he insists that the government made him take all that free money.)"

Conservatives: Giant Bullies That Abuse the Weak | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Conservatives: Giant Bullies That Abuse the Weak | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
"Mitt Romney says he likes being able to fire people. Mitt Romney takes a drive with a terrified family pet strapped to the roof of his car. Mitt Romney assaulted a gay student while in prep school. Mitt Romney tricked a blind teacher, apparently one he "liked," letting the man walk into a glass door. He is a bullyMitt Romney is also the presumed presidential nominee for a political party of unapologetic bullies. Ergo, he is a near-perfect leader for the Tea Party GOP."

'Last Call at the Oasis': Why Time Is Running Out to Save Our Drinking Water | Water | AlterNet

'Last Call at the Oasis': Why Time Is Running Out to Save Our Drinking Water | Water | AlterNet
"Water is everything. The single most necessary element for any of us to sustain and live and thrive is water,"

Monday, May 14, 2012

Conservative Wisconsin Justices Remove Ethics Offical After He Charges Three Of Them With Ethics Violations

Conservative Wisconsin Justices Remove Ethics Offical After He Charges Three Of Them With Ethics Violations: In recent years, three of the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s four conservatives were charged with ethics violations by the Wisconsin Judicial Commission — Justice Annette Ziegler for presiding over cases involving a bank where her husband was a director, Justice Michael Gableman for running a misleading campaign ad, and Justice David Prosser for allegedly grabbing a [...]/p

Scott Brown sole state legislator to back up Mitt Romney in LGBT youth commission veto

Scott Brown sole state legislator to back up Mitt Romney in LGBT youth commission veto
"Here's another thing Mitt Romney and Sen. Scott Brown have in common: an apparent problem with the gays."

Right-Wing Lauds Facebook Co-Founder’s Decision To Renounce US Citizenship: He’s ‘An American Hero’

Right-Wing Lauds Facebook Co-Founder’s Decision To Renounce US Citizenship: He’s ‘An American Hero’: Eduardo Saverin, the co-founder of Facebook whose falling out with the company and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg was the subject of the 2010 blockbuster The Social Network, renounced his US citizenship last week, and the right has wasted no time labeling him a hero. Saverin, who owns a roughly four percent stake of Facebook, announced [...]/p
Tax Cheat

Why America is Doomed to One Disaster After Another » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Why America is Doomed to One Disaster After Another » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"America’s crisis is both military and economic; they are interrelated because America has a huge deficit, in large part because it has the chimerical ambition to be the world’s dominating military power, which costs it immense sums of money, which its deficit spending largely funds.  At the same time it has lost most of its major conflicts militarily, politically—or both."

AIPAC Resolution Demanding War With Iran On House Floor Tomorrow         : Information Clearing House

AIPAC Resolution Demanding War With Iran On House Floor Tomorrow         : Information Clearing House
"On Tuesday, the House of Representatives is slated to vote on a resolution designed to tie the president’s hands on Iran policy. The resolution, which is coming up under an expedited House procedure, was the centerpiece of AIPAC’s recent conference. In fact, 13,000 AIPAC delegates were dispatched to Capitol Hill, on the last day of the conference, with instructions to tell the senators and representatives whom they met that supporting this resolution was #1 on AIPAC’s election year agenda."

Poll: Veterans Favor Obama Over Romney ‘By As Much As Seven Points’

Poll: Veterans Favor Obama Over Romney ‘By As Much As Seven Points’: Traditionally, veterans tend to vote Republican. Fifty-four percent of veterans voted for John McCain in 2008 and 57 for George W. Bush in 2004, as Business Insider points out. But this year, veterans are splitting for President Barack Obama. According to a new poll by Reuters/Ipsos, “If the election were held today, Obama would win [...]/p

Fox Finds The Villain Of JPMorgan Chase's $2 Billion Loss: Regulation

Fox Finds The Villain Of JPMorgan Chase's $2 Billion Loss: Regulation
"In the wake of a $2 billion trading loss sustained by the bank JPMorgan Chase, many economists have advocated for the strengthening of financial reform to prevent against reckless behavior. Not Fox, however, which has argued that the problem is too much regulation of Wall Street banks."