Thursday, August 20, 2015

Facebook trolls rain holy hell on Michigan Tea Partier’s 1,900-word Bible-thumping excuse for affair

Facebook trolls rain holy hell on Michigan Tea Partier’s 1,900-word Bible-thumping excuse for affair

"Having tried blaming the “Lansing mafia” and unnamed blackmailers for exposing his adulterous affair with a fellow lawmaker, Michigan Tea Party Republican Todd Courser turned to Facebook over the weekend to write a rambling Bible-quoting post invoking Jesus and Original Sin — and his commenters weren’t having it.

State Rep. Courser is under investigation for possible misuse of his office after attempting to get a top aide to distribute an email smear saying the lawmaker had a gay fling with a male prostitute behind a nightclub. Courser’s plan was to use the anonymous smear to “inoculate the herd” — voters and his followers — before word got out that he was having an affair with fellow social conservative lawmaker, Rep. Cindy Gamrat (R), a mother of three."