Thursday, August 20, 2015

Michigan State Rep Todd Courser takes to Facebook to Jesus-splain away his disgusting actions
"Michigan tea-party lawmaker Todd Courser recently tried to cover up an affair with fellow representative Cindy Gamrat by attempting to solicit one of his aides to distribute an email that fictitiously claimed the lawmaker had a gay fling with a male prostitute. Hoping to "innoculate the herd" before the real scandal of his affair came to light, the scheme blew up in his face like Wile E. Coyote handling Acme dynamite in a Road Runner cartoon.
Rather than resign, tuck his tail between his legs and keep his mouth shut, Courser took to Facebook over the weekend. In a lengthy, rambling and largely incoherent screed he attempted to garner sympathy while explaining away his actions without really owning them."