Wednesday, February 17, 2016

It Takes A Special Kind Of Stupid To Be A Modern Day Republican

It Takes A Special Kind Of Stupid To Be A Modern Day Republican

"Republicans tell lie after lie after lie, with practically none of them coming true, and Republican voters never seem to realize that they're being lied to and manipulated. Then again, in a rather odd phenomenon, these people seem to believe in a reality where all of these lies are true – even if there's no credible evidence outside of right-wing blogs and memes to "prove" any of it. While I know there are sane, moderate Republicans still left out there, they really no longer have a party. Long gone are the days of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower. Now it's a party built on fear, hate, bigotry, racism, religious fanaticism and the myth of Ronald Reagan. It's supported by people whose own politicians treat them like mindless idiots – and they absolutely love every minute of it."