Friday, February 26, 2016

Republican Redux: Governor Bruce Rauner Brings Ruin to Illinois
"Sound familiar? It should. Rauner’s playbook isn’t his own. Rather he is simply falling in with the larger Republican national strategy we have seen Sam Brownback in Kansas, Scott Walker in Wisconsin, and Rick Snyder in Michigan, among other governors, pursue and implement to their citizenry’s detriment. The strategy is that articulated back in the day by Grover Norquist, namely that of “starving the beast,” the beast supposedly being government itself, although in reality the effect of this strategy is that the people are starved in Illinois, just as the people in Flint are poisoned. The impulse behind this strategy—or at least the looming prospect to result from it—is to destroy the public sphere, privatize all that can be privatized, and, of course, re-distribute wealth back to the wealthiest by cutting their taxes because there will be no public sphere to fund—and no sense of a public good."