Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists Cook Up Idiotic Plan to Keep Black People From Voting @alternet

Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists Cook Up Idiotic Plan to Keep Black People From Voting @alternet: "Andrew Anglin, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center identifies as the founder of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, is all in for Trump and claims to be behind a large effort to get likeminded white voters to cast their ballots for Trump. Politico says Anglin sent an email stating he has a “big voter registration drive” underway, and that he is “sending an army of alt-right nationalists to watch the polls.” “Jews, blacks and lesbians will be leaving America if Trump gets elected—and he’s happy about it,” Anglin said back in April. “This alone is enough reason to put your entire heart and soul into supporting this man.” TheRightStuff, which says it’s working in partnership with Anglin, says it has more voter intimidation tactics, targeting African Americans and other minorities, in the works."