Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney World’s: Freedom from Fact | Common Dreams

Romney World’s: Freedom from Fact | Common Dreams
"Like Bush’s World, Romney’s World also is a place where reality is demonized, where loyal Americans are separated from disloyal ones based on whether they embrace fiction as fact. It is a place where ignorance is celebrated and bigotry is okay.

While having similarities to previous Republican worldviews that brought the GOP to power – from Ronald Reagan’s voodoo economics in 1980 to George H.W. Bush’s “flag factory” and “Willie Horton” campaign in 1988 to George W. Bush’s “restore honor and decency” approach in 2000 – Romney’s campaign style has the look of a refined model made possible by the decades-long expansion of the right-wing media that has conditioned Americans to Orwellian absurdities.
In Romney’s World, the happy citizens will enjoy the ultimate in liberty; they will be fact-free."