Saturday, October 20, 2012

This week in the War on Women: You want to go back to 1950? No? Then fight back.

This week in the War on Women: You want to go back to 1950? No? Then fight back.
"Flash forward a few years. The Romney-Roberts Supreme Court has overturned Roe andGriswold. Abortion is illegal in most of the country and the morning-after pill is no longer an approved FDA drug. When the Defense of Marriage Act came before the Court in 2014, Justice Scalia used the occasion to restore the government’s power to outlaw sex acts deemed immoral by overturning Lawrence and Garner v. Texas, the landmark 2003 decision that tossed out antisodomy laws. The Affordable Care Act has been repealed by the Republican Congress on the rationale that Obamacare’s mandate to buy insurance was a tyrannical intrusion on American liberty. Meanwhile, a national law requiring women seeking abortions to undergo compulsory transvaginal ultrasounds has gone into effect. The records of their abortions, their sexual partners and the names of their doctors are being stored in a national database."