Wednesday, January 9, 2013

AIG Says Thanks America By Suing Them, and Warren Rips Them A New One | Common Dreams

AIG Says Thanks America By Suing Them, and Warren Rips Them A New One | Common Dreams
"Even though the federal government generously - and, many say, irresponsibly - gave AIG (American International Group, or Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed) $182 billion in bailouts to save their ass from massive dubious investments that almost crashed the economy, the famously inept insurance giant is now considering joining a lawsuit against the feds because they weren't generous enough, "trampled on shareholder rights," and deprived them of even more tens of billions of dollars that they really, really would have liked to get, thanks - a move that even the New York Times politely notes “would almost certainly be widely seen as an audacious display of ingratitude"."