Saturday, May 4, 2013

Famous Harvard Professor Gay-Bashes John Maynard Keynes, Suggests People Without Children Do Not Care About Future Generations | Alternet

Famous Harvard Professor Gay-Bashes John Maynard Keynes, Suggests People Without Children Do Not Care About Future Generations | Alternet
"Austerity hawk and Harvard historian Niall Ferguson is known for his love of the media and his enthusiasm for the now-discredited austerity scholarship of fellow Harvard professors Reinhart & Rogoff, who were recentlyexposed in the homework assignment of a U Mass-Amherst grad student. Not content with this embarrassment, Ferguson has just distinguished himself with a homophobic rant in which he claims that John Maynard Keynes' economic theories are invalid due to his sexuality. He also managed to suggest that anyone who does not have children (this would include, among others, Jesus) does not care about future generations."