Saturday, May 18, 2013

What Scandal? Republicans Doctored Benghazi Emails
"No one should be surprised by these tactics by the current crop of Tea Party Republicans. They lied to the American people about the benefits of healthcare reform with outrageous claims like death panels and government control of healthcare that the mainstream corporate media was happy to promote. They lied about a carbon tax they once proposed that would have started the mitigation of our climate problems.

There are real scandals out there. It is a scandal that sequester is harming many poor and middle class Americans while provisions are made for the affluent. It is a scandal that Republicans are spending all their legislative time on symbolic items (repealing Obamacare, manufactured scandals) while ignoring policies that can get Americans back to work. It is a scandal that neither party will modify the American tax code that removes the bias for wealth growth of mostly the top 1% (taxing capital gains at a lower rate than the working people’s income).

Republicans doctored Benghazi emails and used the mainstream media to create a false scandal."

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