Thursday, January 8, 2015

Corrupt John Boehner Conspires With Foreigners Against America’s Best Interests
"House Speaker John A. Boehner is a corrupt and unethical pathological liar and now he has a cabal of foreigners doing his and the Koch brothers bidding to the detriment of Americans health, the nation’s largest aquifer, private landowners, farmers and trucking industry, and the world’s climate. It is long past time to hold Boehner accountable for his preponderance of unethical behavior. He has already been referred to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for his KeystoneXL lies about jobs to manipulate tar sand stock prices, and MoveOn started a (still active) petition demanding the corrupt Republican resign and face House Ethics Committee charges. There is nothing anyone can do to the lying Canadians, although their recent campaign on behalf of the Kochs and John A. Boehner certainly are despicable."