Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Republican Letter To Iran: An Embarrassment for the GOP, A Weapon for Iranian Extremists

The Republican Letter To Iran: An Embarrassment for the GOP, A Weapon for Iranian Extremists

"I’ve often accused Republicans (and conservatives in general) of lacking the ability to think “big picture.” Nearly everything with them is short-sighted, simplistic and requires almost instant gratification. Their entire political ideology is basically predicated on fear, paranoia, anger and talking points that are easily repeatable.

The now infamous “Iran letter” that 47 Republican senators sent to Iranian leaders is a prime example of this. In their minds, they saw this as a way to “get at” President Obama and try to perpetuate this notion that they are the ones in power. And it was also a blatant attempt to try to sabotage the ongoing negotiations between the Obama administration, several of our allies and the Iranian government. In my opinion, the actions by the GOP have been tantamount to treason. Sadly for Republicans, this has all backfired on them in ways they obviously didn’t bother thinking about before they collectively stuck their foot in their mouth. The first thing it did was that it allowed Iranian officials to publicly school the GOP on how international treaties work. Not only that, but Republicans just came off looking incredibly childish sending this letter following Netanyahu’s speech. Other world leaders understand the political dynamics over here, meaning they’re well aware of what it is this president has had to deal with when it comes to the GOP. In the grand scheme of things, this came off as Republicans trying to purposely embarrass the president of the country they’re supposed to love on an international stage in nothing more than some immature stunt. Even just days after it was sent, there are several rumblings emanating from the ranks of the GOP that they’re realizing this letter was a mistake. In other words, this entire situation is spiraling into nothing but an absolute embarrassment for the Republican party. Some Republicans are already publicly regretting signing it, and John McCain even blamed his dumb decision to sign it on the impending snowstorm and “looking forward to getting out of town"." ‪#‎47Traitors‬