Rand Paul, serial panderer: 5 major flip-flops that reveal his brazen hypocrisy
"Paul’s flip-flops are very easily explained. Rand Paul is a serial panderer. In less conservative circles, he’ll repeat various moderate, if not liberal, views. But as soon as he’s confronted by Fox News Channel, or by an AM radio talk show host, such as when he’s appeared as a guest of “The Alex Jones Show,” where he’s dabbled in 9/11 trutherism, he reverses those less conservative views and embraces more hawkish positions. At the very least, it’s obvious that Paul has very few core convictions and, more so than many other career politicians, will simply blurt whatever is necessary to extricate himself from tight spots, while taking full advantage of the epistemically closed, fish-bowl nature of modern American politics. He’s cynical enough to believe that no one will reference his previous remarks, and when they do, opponents can simply be shushed or scolded, as was the case on both CNBC and with “Today” show anchor Savannah Guthrie last month."