"Every one of the so-called theories regarding his end have been slapped down and stomped, and the only people who still believe them exist in that far-right netherworld where John Birch is a saint and the moon landings were faked... and hey, anything that harms a Clinton has to be good, right? Even if it grossens society and civil discourse beyond recognition. Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The father of Ted Cruz had a hand in the assassination of John Kennedy. The Clintons had Vince Foster killed. This is what orbits the bowl beneath Donald Trump's comb-over like feces that won't flush. He is the presumptive Republican nominee for president, and he is a fool. Worse, he is a cunning fool who knows what buttons to push and when to push them for maximum effect. If he doesn't win in November, he has still lessened us all. Trump is a disgrace, and yet somehow he remains idealized within a segment of the US population as the Maximum American, the ideal man, the savior. He is milk gone to curds, a fart in the elevator. That he would reach down through the oozing slime of history to grasp the sad refrain of Vince Foster's death only reinforces what many already know: He is a ruthless, remorseless wrecker capable of anything. His soul is a vat of pus."