Monday, July 4, 2016

Senate Republicans Launch Plot To Steal Billions In Benefits From Active Military Members
"apparently Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and the rest of the warmongers in the Senate would rather take away an important source of extra income for those who serve while throwing another ten billion dollars to purchase sixty-three F-35 fighter jets, the utility and effectiveness of which is still very much in question. While we do not wish to discount the importance of the United States having a strong airforce, we do take strong issue with the Senate Republicans’ decision to take money out of the pockets of our fighting men while hypocritically using our military as a patriotic political prop in the press. It’s no coincidence that whenever the Republican Party moans and cries about government spending, it’s always the American people who must bear the brunt of the cuts – never the multinational corporations that fill GOP campaign war chests but hold allegiance to nobody except the pursuit of bigger profits."