Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Trump’s Race-Baiting Evokes Nuremberg Rallies
"William Shirer, the great chronicler of the Third Reich, wrote in his diaries about the Nuremberg Rallies, “You have to go through one of these to understand Hitler’s hold on the people, to feel the dynamic in the movement he’s unleashed and the sheer, disciplined strength the Germans possess. And now — as Hitler told the correspondents yesterday in explaining his technique — the half-million men who’ve been here during the week will go back to their towns and villages and preach the new gospel with new fanaticism.” It happened there. Trump’s words, and the sullen, opportunistic silence of virtually the entire GOP political leadership, make it more likely it could happen here. The most powerful man on Earth is now using his platform to unreservedly preach the gutter politics of the purge, of the pogrom, of the race war. We cannot let Trump and his supporters enact his fascistic gospel. We cannot let history repeat itself."