Saturday, August 8, 2015

Walker Appoints Political Crony To Appellate Court Seat

Walker Appoints Political Crony To Appellate Court Seat

"In case you missed it, Hagedorn was appointed to be an appellate court judge even though he has never been a judge.

In fact, Hagedorn has precious little in the way of experience. Before he was Walker's legal mouthpiece, he worked at a right wing law firm and a member of the Federalist Society.

Perhaps Walker felt that Hagedorn was qualified for the things he did while Walker's counsel, such as fighting open records requests or keeping Walker from being held accountable for a death he caused by negligence as Milwaukee County Executive

Then again, in Walker's eyes, Hagedorn's greatest achievement probably was sabotaging the John Doe investigation into Walker and his illegal collaboration with dark money groups."