Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fellow Progressives: The IRS ‘Scandal’ Is a Crock and You Should Fight Back
"Here’s the definition of a 501 (c) (3). See if Tea Party and Patriots meet it. It (the organization) must be operated for one of the purposes or missions specified in Section 501. That means it operates EXCLUSIVELY for a charitable purpose, which includes such activities as providing relief for the poor (HA!!!), defending civil rights (HA!!!) and advancing education, science or religion. What? Vouchers, destroying public schools, climate-deniers ($120 million of FR money has gone to sympathetic groups) and/or religious zealotry?
The Tea Party and the extremists “Patriot” groups are full-on, 100%, dipped in cement political organizations. Period! They laughingly use the term “issues” to somehow represent proof of their non-profit status.
A 501 (c) (4) must be operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare. The NRA is a 501 (c) (4). God knows, 30,000 gun-related deaths a year are the very definition of “social welfare.”
Let’s take a closer peek at this attack on the IRS thing. The timing is obvious. The likes of Mitch McConnell and his right-wing ilk are up for re-election in the Senate and House very soon in political time. That means they have to stack on as many “scandals” as they can conjure. Add the IRS to the list."