Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Instead of Attacking The IRS, Republicans Should be Praising Them for Doing Their Jobs
"The real scandal is not that the IRS did its job, it is that groups like Rove’s GPS Crossroads and Koch brother’s Americans for Prosperity put millions into the 2012 presidential and congressional races without disclosing their donors because they pretended they were charities. In fact, in the run up to the 2012 elections, many conservative organizations, nominally 501(c)(4)s, were explicitly political in their work and a group like Americans for Prosperity funded by the Koch brothers was instrumental in assisting Republicans to maintain their majority in the House of Representatives.
In fact, one application that garnered scrutiny was Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS that purported to be the largest social-welfare nonprofit involved in the 2012 election, and despite promising the IRS there would be very limited effort to influence the election, Rove’s “social welfare” group spent well in excess of $70 million from anonymous contributors. There can be little doubt conservatives were using the designation as social welfare charities to raise money, conceal donor’s names, and influence both the 2010 and 2012 elections."