Thursday, July 4, 2019

Amash doubles down on accusing Barr of 'deliberately' misleading the public on Mueller report
"The letter also noted that Mueller had not reached a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice by interfering with the probe itself and that Barr had decided not to indict Trump on it. “Mueller’s report says he chose not to decide whether Trump broke the law because there’s an official DoJ opinion that indicting a sitting president is unconstitutional,” Amash noted Tuesday. “Barr’s letter doesn’t mention those issues when explaining why Mueller chose not to make a prosecutorial decision. He instead selectively quotes Mueller in a way that makes it sound—falsely—as if Mueller’s decision stemmed from legal/factual issues specific to Trump’s actions.” In the report, Mueller detailed 10 "episodes" of potential obstruction, leaving the decision on whether to pursue those issues to Congress. “Mueller finds considerable evidence that several of Trump’s actions detailed in the report meet the elements of obstruction, and Mueller’s constitutional and prudential issues with indicting a sitting president would preclude indictment regardless of what he found,” Amash explained. The Michigan lawmaker argued that Barr's letter misled Congress and the public and that in statements and testimony Barr continued to misrepresent the report. “Barr used further misrepresentations to help build the president’s false narrative that the investigation was unjustified,” Amash wrote. “This will continue if those who have read the report do not start pushing back on his misrepresentations and share the truth"."