Thursday, July 4, 2019

Trump's Own Government Could Not Resist His Tank Parade. Can the Republic?
"Often when we discuss the rise of American authoritarianism, it can feel a bit abstract. The president is attacking the Constitution's separation of powers, say, circumventing Congress's power of the purse to seize taxpayer money to use however he might wish. He is flouting the Senate's advise-and-consent powers on his Cabinet appointments. His lawyers have repeatedly argued in court that, essentially, Congress has no oversight authority over the Executive Branch. He is almost certainly in violation of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, as he accepts millions in payments from foreign governments. He is meddling with the independent system of justice and the rule of law. He is waging war on the free press, characterizing any independent source of information that contradicts his narrative as The Enemy of the People. He lies, constantly and blatantly and about everything. He does this less to persuade anyone than to, in the words of Masha Gessen, "assert power over truth itself"."